Sunday, February 15, 2009

Joshua is 5 weeks

Gosh, time does fly by so fast. Our little guy is literary getting big everyday in front of our eyes. Yesterday I was browsing through Joshua's pictures and I can't believe the changes he is going through with every new week of his young life. He is definitely developing so fast emotionally and physically. During this week Joshua has been smiling and laughing a lot not necessarily at us but when you catch these smiles and laughs they are so cute!! He has started making different kinds of noises too especially when he is playing and flexing his arms and feet. When you place him on his chest, he can lift his head up and from side to side. In addition, he can also lift his chest up. Soon he may start to roll over lol! So much happening so fast......

Here are updates of Joshua's pictures.

Taking a nap with daddy.... the two look so cute, content and very peaceful too... definitely a loving sight to behold!


Watching some TV with daddy from daddy's loving and protective arm....


Playing in between his nap time.... he is so active now.... when he is done playing he so tired and all he wants is to take a nap.


Here is a close up of him..... remember the blanket I knitted for him.. this is it... I love that we can use it now, makes me really proud!


Here he is chilling on his favorite boppy pillow


Here he is again after feeding.... is this what you call being milk drunk or just being content with life lol!!..... I just could not resist but laugh at this pose.....


Lastly, here is one with mama!

GEDC0559 2

I just love motherhood..... it is not always a bed of roses but it is a blessing like no other!

Thank you all for reading and see you soon!

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Joshua is one month already!

Wow, how time flies! I can't believe our little boy is 4 weeks old already! I can tell you this: being a parent is an amazing, yet overwhelming endeavor. I wish I could put into words how much we love this little boy we have been blessed with, but I can' wouldn't even come close to the emotions I feel. He is such an amazing baby and has been sleeping relatively well except when he has those baby melt downs! We are just so blessed to have him here!! :) Nothing though prepares you for the experience of being a parent!!!! It can be an emotional roller coaster sometimes.... the baby melt downs and a few scattered sleepless spells do not help!

So Joshua had his first bath after his umbilical cord fell off. Jonathan gave him his first bath. It was an amazing spectacle watching my husband give our son his first bath :) Joshua did not fuss at all, he just enjoyed the bath the whole way through. I think if he could speak, he could have requested to stay there for as a long as possible... or until he needs to feed :) Jonathan has been fantastic with him during his baths.... It is a special time for dad and son to bond. These daily baths have been wonderful to not only watch the content in Joshua and Jonathan's emotions but they have also helped Joshua sleep better through the night :) After the baths, he gets so tired and just doses off.... very nice!

Here is a picture of him during his very first bath.... He absolutely loves when daddy bathes him!!! You can see the contentment in his face lol :) So, bath time is definitely a wonderful time for everyone!



It has been a while since I updated the blog with Joshua's pictures. Here are a couple of pictures leading to week 4 of his young life. He is growing and changing everyday! Look at the transformation on his skin color and features.

Here is Joshua at one day! Looks like yesterday... I cannot believe it has been 4 weeks ago!!!


Here is a picture of Joshua at 2 weeks!


And here are pictures of Joshua at 3 weeks! Look at that hair..... and the much more chubbier chicks :)




And lastly, here is Joshua at 4 weeks!!!



He still loves the swing and so do we!!! Despite the winter cold, the glass doors do let in a lot of sunshine which he absolutely enjoys sunbathing... well, could the skin tan be from the result of this???? Just kiddin!


So last Sunday was Superbowl. Joshua's Nana Debby invited us over. We had a great time and Nana has been just wonderful with Joshua... Thanks Nana Debby!! I am sure Joshua already misses you. So here is a picture of Joshua when we just arrived over at Nana Debby's house. He is still sleepy from the ride over lol!


So 4 weeks postpartum and here is how I look.



Jonathan and grandpa enjoying the Superbowl game.... or are you browsing the Internet honey?????


Thank you for reading and see you all soon!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Baby Joshua is finally here!!!!

Hurray!! baby Joshua is finally here.... :) Well, he has been here for the past two weeks!! I guess I am way behind in updating the blog.

So I never quite made it to 41 weeks. During my regular obgyn appointment on the 9th, a routine ultrasound found out that I had dangerously low levels of amniotic fluid. Because this situation is considered to be a danger to an unborn baby (it could lead to a still born), the obgyn suggested I be induced. If anything, I had already gone beyond my due date by 5 days. So after about 11 hours of active labour and 21 minutes of pushing, Baby Joshua was born January 10th at 4.54am. He weighed 6lbs 9.5Oz and he was 19 and 1/4 inches long. He had a head full of long black silky hair. He is just so gorgeous. We love him so much :)

Here are a couple of pictures taken within a short time of baby Joshua's birth.


Our first family picture.... look at those proud parents


In daddy's arms! He looks so tiny :)



Sharing moments with daddy....... great bonding session between father and son!


In Nana Debby's arms... they look so adorable together :)




In his hospital bassinet.


His first time on the car seat... going to see his new home.


First time sleeping on his bassinet... He looks so small in there... :)


His first time on the swing... he loves the swing... and so do we, it keeps him entertained and gives us a much deserved break lol!

Well yesterday Joshua was 2 weeks really does fly by. He is such an amazing baby and has been such a blessing to our lives already. I just can't believe how much you can love someone. We are doing well as a family...He is eating well, and sleeping pretty decent for the most part, about 2-3 hours although sometimes he sleeps almost 4hrs (which is not good for a breastfeeding mom, talk about some pain!!) I also want to update with some new pictures I took of him today!



He absolutely loves that bobby pillow!

A short cute video of him having hiccups.... gosh, those can last for up to 20 minutes. It is so sad that there is nothing much either of us can do help him with that....


Our second family photo.... daddy's turn to feed Joshua.....

Lastly, I am glad that my body is working with me to loose most if not all the weight that I gained because of the pregnancy. So far, two weeks post baby, here is a belly picture..... not bad.. uhhh??? Just to show how dramatic my body has changed, I will also post the week 40 pictures next to it.


Two weeks post baby!

Week 40

40 Weeks pregnant!

There is so much happening so fast... I hope to keep updating you all more regularly when I get my schedule in tune!

We want to take this opportunity to thank all the people who have kept us in their prayers and those who have called or emailed to wish us well. God bless you all!

Thanks for reading and see you all soon.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

40 Weeks 3 days pregnant and really needing PATIENCE......

I have always believed I was a very PATIENT person. During trying times in my life, I have always tried to be calm, positive, and PATIENT in most of the situations. Well, I am not anymore...... I guess, the toll of waiting for a baby that we have longed to see in a while now is a totally different experience. The length of this pregnancy is taking its toll on me and my PATIENT attitude. I know many have gone longer than I. I am sure some of them were not very PATIENT, either. I am becoming more and more discouraged about our Little Man coming at the Lord's perfect time. It is my desire that he comes on his own, without medical intervention...inducement. Still, the thought of getting a little medical help to get things going is appealing to me right now. I am that ready to have him. After all, I am 3 days overdue!! That probably sounds a bit selfish...I am being selfish.

My body aches in places that makes doing normal day to day things sometimes very difficult. I have been having unproductive contractions for the past week but according to the textbook labor progress, I am only in my latent phase of labor:) Surely when will active labor begin. I am physically and emotionally tired. Waking up about 5 times a night to use the bathroom makes one have very disturbed nights that lead to undefined tiredness both physically and emotionally. PATIENCE is what I need but no longer have. As I go through today with some contractions and feeling him squirm, I will be praying for PATIENCE. For the Lord's time to be now for him to come into this world. He is anxiously awaited by all who love him. A little more PATIENCE...just a little more.

So here is this week's picture..... Dear God, please let this be the last pregnancy belly pic......:)

Week 40

Thank you for reading and see you all next week!

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Yes..... 39 Weeks Pregnant

Yes...... 39 weeks pregnant and yes..... still counting...

First I am relieved that baby Joshua did not decide to make his debut on Christmas day / my b/day.... That is such a huge relief. However, here we are today at 39 weeks and still counting.... I know a full term baby goes till 40 weeks but somewhere inside of me I was hoping that he might decide to make an earlier entry into this world. We love him so much already and we are so eager to meet him but then again, we have to wait for him to decide when he would like to join us. Anyway, as of right now, we have fully surrendered to the fact that he will come in his time and not ours. I think this is an amazing lesson for us and I am so proud of myself to getting to this point.

As of right now, my belly is huge and the skin around my belly is fully stretched too. A little while back, baby Joshua changed from feeling like a big watermelon to feeling like a sack of rocks. I can feel his back, knees and feet fairly easily if either of us moves. It is starting to get very uncomfortable in there because some part of his body is stabbing into my right rib. The sporadic pelvic pains and the complete lack of energy are some of the day to day symptoms I am now experiencing.

So we picked up baby Joshua's swing (see photo below) and his essentials. Now it is just a waiting game :( We hope that next weekend will be the big weekend for his debut and we will soon have some good news :)


So, here is this weeks picture.

Week 39

Thank you for reading and see you all next week....

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

38 Weeks pregnant and still counting........

If you are still wondering if we are still pregnant, the answer is YES..... 38 weeks pregnant and still counting. I hope we will not be counting for much longer now.

From this experience of being pregnant, I have learnt that the hardest period of pregnancy is undoubtedly the last 4 weeks of pregnancy for a full term of 40 weeks. The lack of comfort is like no other, the anxiety of when the big moment will be is nerve wrecking and restrictive, the questions that run through ones mind regarding their parental capabilities are unending, the fatigue is incomparable, the constant bathroom visits are plain annoying, the list goes on and on....... I guess one has to relearn the boundaries of a lot of virtues that we take for granted.

Gosh, time flies by so fast, Christmas is here!!! It seems like we just celebrated Thanksgiving the other day. This is always a wonderful time of year to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ and to enjoy and cherish various family relationships. However, most importantly as Christians, this is also a time to evaluate our relationship with Christ. On the other hand, December 25th is my B/day too..... I guess the fact that I share my birthday with one of the biggest Holidays of the year is in itself an oxymoron, meaning it is a bitter sweet day for me. It would be nice to have just my own day where the loved ones in my life just spare some thoughts JUST FOR ME and for me to just take that day off to reflect on the start of another new year in my life. Being much older now, I am much more rational about the sharing of the day. Right now though I am on pins wondering if baby Joshua might decide to make his debut on this same day....... It is interesting to even just think that there is a slight chance that our baby may share a birthday with me..... that will be a very hard one, trying to share three landmark celebrations in our family all celebrated in one day... Honestly, I hope he waits till after Christmas so we can have a special day JUST FOR HIM....

Enough of my rantings about sharing my B/day, we would like to take this time to wish all our family and friends who live in various continents Happy Holidays!!! We especially want to pass a special Krismasi Njema to our family and friends in Kenya. I really miss you all during this festive season.

So we finally received baby Joshua's travel system. Here is a picture of the travel system. Jonathan put it together and it looks great, thanks Honey! We only have one reservation about this travel system though, it is bulky. Now that everything is about ready for baby Joshua, the reality that he will be here in less than two weeks is really setting in.........


So here is this week's picture. My belly has not really changed much. I think I have reached a plateau in terms of weight gain and belly size for this pregnancy!!

Week 38

In conclusion, HAPPY HOLIDAYS EVERYONE!!! and Happy early Birthday to me :) I would much rather celebrate the relationship we have with Jesus Christ than my piling of years lol... :) Stay warm for those celebrating a WHITE Christmas....... and enjoy the sunshine for those who live in the Kenyan savanna and tropics!!

image  image

Thank you for reading and see you all next week, hopefully with some good news :)

Saturday, December 13, 2008

37 weeks...Yes, Officially full term and Married!!

37 Weeks pregnant this weekend, meaning baby Joshua is now clinically considered officially full-term!!! To add icing on the cake, WE ARE MARRIED!!!!!! If you have not heard it already, we would like to share with you the news that, YES WE ARE MARRIED. It really does have a nice ring to it... very sobering and blissful too!!!! I love you honey! Since this is the baby blog I will not go into the details but yes, Thursday was our big day! Thank you to all who have visited with us, called or emailed to wish us well.

Being full term, I am also officially "extremely uncomfortable." I have taken to sleeping on the couch which offers comfort like a recliner... way much more comfortable than the good old regular bed. Some people keep asking if I am uncomfortable and tired of being pregnant... the answer is YES. Even though labor could be two or three weeks away, I feel like things are heading in that direction. I feel a lot more pressure in my back and pelvis, yes a lot more pelvic sharp pain than the last couple of weeks. The Braxton Hicks are getting more and more frequent too and more unpleasant. I have been blessed to keep the stretch marks away so far, I pray this trend continues. I especially hope they continue to stay away for the whole pregnancy term... Besides having sharp cramps and a lot more Braxton Hicks, which are also becoming more intense there is no other early labor signs..... If you asked me, I would love for Baby Joshua to join us before Christmas or new year... but hey, it is not up to me to decide lol!

Now that we are safely into the 37th week, baby Joshua is theoretically ready to live in the real world without much complications. His lungs should be mature and ready to start breathing air without any aid being offered by hospital equipment. Now all we can do is wait until he decides to join us and make our family complete. According to most experts, baby Joshua is now about the size of a watermelon, one of my most favorite fruit during my pregnancy... I thought I would dramatize it a little with this picture often used by most baby websites to show the development of a baby at the 9 month of pregnancy......


I just got done with work on Friday, but I am onto doing my school finals next week and finishing my research for org research methods. Besides the fact that I have all these work to do plus regular household chores... and yes, getting my hospital bag ready,...I don't feel well enough or rather I do not have enough energy or motivation to do much, so I feel like I am just sitting around and procrastinating....not good.... Anyway, as far as this pregnancy goes, I'm ready (as ready as possible) to move on to the next phase, but again I have to remind myself it's not up to me.

Some quick statistics to share with you all, in the last weeks of pregnancy, the placenta changes to allow larger molecules to pass through. This means the baby starts getting maternal antibodies, giving the baby temporary immunity to diseases that the mother is immune to, in preparation for life outside the womb.  Lungs and other organs continue to mature. Hormonal changes in both the baby and the mother are working together to start labor. The baby is putting on about half a pound a week these days.....

So here is this weeks picture. Yes, I know.... the adding of pounds is unforgiving........ well, lets hope that my body will work with me to lose these pounds after baby Joshua is born.... Looks like the baby has dropped for sure :)

Week 37

Thank you for reading and see you all next week!