Sunday, February 15, 2009

Joshua is 5 weeks

Gosh, time does fly by so fast. Our little guy is literary getting big everyday in front of our eyes. Yesterday I was browsing through Joshua's pictures and I can't believe the changes he is going through with every new week of his young life. He is definitely developing so fast emotionally and physically. During this week Joshua has been smiling and laughing a lot not necessarily at us but when you catch these smiles and laughs they are so cute!! He has started making different kinds of noises too especially when he is playing and flexing his arms and feet. When you place him on his chest, he can lift his head up and from side to side. In addition, he can also lift his chest up. Soon he may start to roll over lol! So much happening so fast......

Here are updates of Joshua's pictures.

Taking a nap with daddy.... the two look so cute, content and very peaceful too... definitely a loving sight to behold!


Watching some TV with daddy from daddy's loving and protective arm....


Playing in between his nap time.... he is so active now.... when he is done playing he so tired and all he wants is to take a nap.


Here is a close up of him..... remember the blanket I knitted for him.. this is it... I love that we can use it now, makes me really proud!


Here he is chilling on his favorite boppy pillow


Here he is again after feeding.... is this what you call being milk drunk or just being content with life lol!!..... I just could not resist but laugh at this pose.....


Lastly, here is one with mama!

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I just love motherhood..... it is not always a bed of roses but it is a blessing like no other!

Thank you all for reading and see you soon!

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Joshua is one month already!

Wow, how time flies! I can't believe our little boy is 4 weeks old already! I can tell you this: being a parent is an amazing, yet overwhelming endeavor. I wish I could put into words how much we love this little boy we have been blessed with, but I can' wouldn't even come close to the emotions I feel. He is such an amazing baby and has been sleeping relatively well except when he has those baby melt downs! We are just so blessed to have him here!! :) Nothing though prepares you for the experience of being a parent!!!! It can be an emotional roller coaster sometimes.... the baby melt downs and a few scattered sleepless spells do not help!

So Joshua had his first bath after his umbilical cord fell off. Jonathan gave him his first bath. It was an amazing spectacle watching my husband give our son his first bath :) Joshua did not fuss at all, he just enjoyed the bath the whole way through. I think if he could speak, he could have requested to stay there for as a long as possible... or until he needs to feed :) Jonathan has been fantastic with him during his baths.... It is a special time for dad and son to bond. These daily baths have been wonderful to not only watch the content in Joshua and Jonathan's emotions but they have also helped Joshua sleep better through the night :) After the baths, he gets so tired and just doses off.... very nice!

Here is a picture of him during his very first bath.... He absolutely loves when daddy bathes him!!! You can see the contentment in his face lol :) So, bath time is definitely a wonderful time for everyone!



It has been a while since I updated the blog with Joshua's pictures. Here are a couple of pictures leading to week 4 of his young life. He is growing and changing everyday! Look at the transformation on his skin color and features.

Here is Joshua at one day! Looks like yesterday... I cannot believe it has been 4 weeks ago!!!


Here is a picture of Joshua at 2 weeks!


And here are pictures of Joshua at 3 weeks! Look at that hair..... and the much more chubbier chicks :)




And lastly, here is Joshua at 4 weeks!!!



He still loves the swing and so do we!!! Despite the winter cold, the glass doors do let in a lot of sunshine which he absolutely enjoys sunbathing... well, could the skin tan be from the result of this???? Just kiddin!


So last Sunday was Superbowl. Joshua's Nana Debby invited us over. We had a great time and Nana has been just wonderful with Joshua... Thanks Nana Debby!! I am sure Joshua already misses you. So here is a picture of Joshua when we just arrived over at Nana Debby's house. He is still sleepy from the ride over lol!


So 4 weeks postpartum and here is how I look.



Jonathan and grandpa enjoying the Superbowl game.... or are you browsing the Internet honey?????


Thank you for reading and see you all soon!